Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fact or Fiction?

So, as far as any other American is... especially the ones that I talked to... they all think that Mexico is a scary place, with prostitutes everywhere, drug dealers on every corner, and a lack of civilization.  But in reality, there are only drug dealers on every other corner!  hahah I'm completely kidding.  But no really, to think that I was a little nervous as well to visit Mexico, it's kind of embarrassing.  Of course, there were some rough looking areas of Mexico City... but isn't that true to be said about every large city?  Let's take New York City? Chicago? LA? Or maybe even our own Cincinnati?  Yea, that's what I thought.  Every city has their rough areas, those streets that you try to avoid, and those people who try to ask you for some extra cash.  It's hard times that we live in, we can't help that other people live the way they do.  It's not like their isn't theft, murder, or drugs in our own "backyard".  We know it's all around us... it's just that we sometimes forget that.

Of course, when we first got to Mexico-- I thought, what are we doing here?  Why couldn't we have learned about all this from a couple pictures?  But in reality... the experience of going to Mexico, just for a week, changed my life forever!  I was scared, nervous, and almost wanted to back out of the whole trip the night before our flight.  I was thinking that the experience wasn't for me, and I thought I'd have better things to do in Cincinnati... but really, it doesn't even matter what I missed happening here, at home-- for, I was making life changing memories!

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