Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Journey of Going Abroad...

The entire IBHF group at the pyramids, with our new friend :)
From the time we are thrown into the college application process, to the time where we go on tours of campuses, even to the first couple weeks of college... there is one thing that we, as Freshman are prompted to keep in mind while in college: at least one study abroad experience.  It doesn't matter where we go, or what we do, it's the efforts we make, and the things we learn.  Featured on the back of t-shirts given to us at the Freshman Convocation is a bucket list that we should achieve before graduation, on this shirt is to study abroad.  And now, the summer after my freshman year, I have done just that.  Wow!  Who would have thought I'd be marking off things from the bucket list so early in my college career?!?

Northern Kentucky University has numerous opportunities to participate in a travel abroad experience... any country, any time, any semester; with plenty of scholarships offered.  Lucky for me and my fellow classmates, when we signed up to be apart of the International Business Honors Fellowship (IBHF), we signed up for a week long trip to Mexico City!  Through an awesome rate, and small scholarships, we were able to not only afford the trip, but we were well on our way to be a more cultured group of Honors students!
All the girls in Mexico City :)

Through a year-long process, we were getting prepared for the Mexico trip, while learning about Business, the culture and history of Mexico, and the different stereotypes that we, as Americans have placed upon Mexico.  Through a series of lectures about the differences between international businesses around the world, while comparing GDP's and other various aspects of economics between Mexico and the U.S.   

The lovely Professor Lang who prepared us for the trip! 
Throughout the past two semesters, we researched business, culture and relationships in Mexico in comparison to America.  We were able to find similarities and differences, as well as learn so much about the two cultures. Through a series of paperwork, work sheets, various projects, writing assignments, and slide shows; we were able to have the knowledge to better understand our experience in Mexico City.  A few packets of information later, some waivers signed, checks paid, and passports ordered... we were on our way to preparing for our journey!  

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